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AUG 23 - SEP 22

This week, things are looking up.

The week begins on Sunday, September 17, with the sun in Virgo (happy birthday!) and your house of confidence making a quincunx with the North Node in Aries. Sometimes you don’t feel confident even though you have every reason to. But the truth is that confidence comes after you’ve done the thing. If you’re waiting to feel confident before you take action, you could be waiting a long time. Virgo, don’t put the cart before the horse.

On Tuesday, September 19, the sun opposes Neptune in Pisces and your house of relationships. If you’re looking for love, the first step is to send a message out to the Universe that could be heard by that soul who is looking for you, Virgo. This is a bit of love magic that you can do. Sit and have a conversation in your mind with your future love. Tell them where you are. Tell them that you’re waiting for them. And then release it. Send the message. Then go out into the world with a smile on your face and meet some new people.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe