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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, you’re the person with the plan.

The week begins on Sunday, May 26, with the moon in Capricorn squaring the North Node and South Node. You might need to make a decision about a relationship. You could flip a coin yet still feel undecided. Ask yourself what you’d advise a dear friend to do. You can find the right answer by looking at the situation objectively.

On Monday, May 27, Mercury in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces and your house of work and routines. Libra, you are a powerhouse today when it comes to getting your to-do list done. You’re ready to implement systems or create plans that help you be more productive and efficient. You could get more done today than you have in a long time.

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09 june - 15 june
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe