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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, you’re quite determined.

The week begins on Sunday, June 2, when Jupiter in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius and your house of creativity and invention. Libra, you might have a brilliant idea today. Or you might want to take your idea and make it official by registering it with the patent office or expanding it into a business or lifestyle change. Today, you’re thinking big.

On Monday, June 3, Mercury enters the sign of Gemini and then later trines Pluto. Now you move into research mode. What was started yesterday as a big concept now comes down to earth and you need to know the details. You could be shoveling through massive amounts of data to find the information you need, but you’re determined now and you will succeed.

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16 june - 22 june
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe