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NOV 22 - DEC 21

This week, your positive attitude brings success.

The week begins on Monday, May 13, with the sun conjoining Uranus in Taurus and your house of habits and routines. Sagittarius, you might adopt a productivity hack that ends up saving you hours a day. You might do something as small as switching your phone to grayscale and find that you don’t spend nearly as much time on it. Or you might switch your sleep schedule and wake up refreshed.

Mercury enters the sign of Taurus on Wednesday, May 15. Mercury will be in Taurus until June 3. During this time, you could be very focused on your health and well-being. You might adopt some new eating habits that give you more energy and help you heal. You could find a great personal trainer, one you can really stick with. In just a few weeks, you could see a substantial positive change.

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26 may - 01 june
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe