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NOV 22 - DEC 21

This week, you see brighter days ahead.

On Sunday, May 19, Mars conjoins the North Node in Aries and your house of fun and adventure. Today, you can do something that is outside the box and even outside your comfort zone. Sagittarius, you might be climbing to new heights or swimming to new depths. Or you could be displaying your talents in front of an audience. By tomorrow, you could have some great stories to tell.

The sun enters the sign of Gemini on Monday, May 20. Your house of relationships will be lit up for the next four weeks. You can see your connections more clearly, telling the difference between a beneficial relationship and one that is draining and you should let go. This is also a good time to examine past relationships so you’re not repeating a pattern.

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02 june - 08 june
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe