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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, you might receive just what you need.

The week begins on Sunday, June 2, when Jupiter in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius and your house of home and hearth. Scorpio, you might feel very motivated to change your living circumstances to make them more comfortable, safe, and secure. This could mean looking at renovating or moving. Or you might think about making an entire lifestyle change, such as downsizing, moving to another country, or living on a boat.

On Monday, June 3, Mercury enters the sign of Gemini and then later trines Pluto. You have an idea, but now you need to see the steps it will take to make it happen. This is the perfect energy for research. You might ask people about their experiences, or you might find information online. You live in an age when all information is findable, and you are determined.

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16 june - 22 june
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe