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APR 20 - MAY 20

Growth and Prosperity

This is a good time for you, Taurus, because the cosmos has your best interests at heart. The sun in your sign, along with delectable Venus, upbeat Jupiter, and electric Uranus, can spark fascinating occurrences that contribute to your wealth and well-being. Success is hot on your heels. You only need tap into your natural ability to nurture and grow virtually anything to enjoy greater abundance and a better lifestyle.

At the same time, fiery Mars continues its journey through a private zone, stirring up your dreams of conquering new heights and accepting bigger and bolder challenges. Deep inside, you know you have what it takes to fulfill your highest potential.

There’s also a new moon in your sign on May 7 that aligns with prudent Saturn, encouraging you to collaborate and commune with others in your community and social circle. You’ll be ready to initiate new projects and ideas that can benefit the causes and interests that are dear to your heart.

Once the sun moves into inquisitive Gemini and your financial sector on the twentieth, you’ll be ready to explore moneymaking opportunities and find ways to get a side hustle up and running as quickly as possible. The sun journeys through this zone for around four weeks, spotlighting those areas that need attention and inspiring you to adopt new financial strategies. You’ll be a whiz at selling and closing deals as well.

By the time of the full moon in Sagittarius on May 23, you could feel positively empowered by the opportunities open to you to create and attract abundance. Dreams can turn into cash if you play your cards right and tap into your practical strengths.

Finally, jovial Jupiter leaves your sign and glides into Gemini for a year or so on the twenty-fifth, enhancing your chances to create a fortune and become the financially independent entrepreneur you’ve always wanted to be.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe