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APR 20 - MAY 20

New Phase Begins

For the first three weeks of this month, Taurus, you’ll be moving through a phase when it’s time to let go of the past and anything that’s holding you back from being all you can be. The sun is in your spiritual sector, so this is a great opportunity to bring one cycle to a close so you can begin the next one with a clean slate when the sun enters your sign on April 19. This is your chance to resolve those lingering issues that drain your energy and resources. You might also feel like decluttering your life in the physical, psychological, and spiritual sense. You’ll feel much better for doing so.

There’s a new moon in Aries on the eighth, making this a time of new beginnings. But this lunar phase also aligns with healing Chiron, so you can use this time to make amends with someone and heal a relationship that has veered off track. Doing so could lead to a more loving and productive bond in the future.

The sun enters your sign on April 19 for a stay of four weeks, making this a high point of your year. The coming weeks are your chance to shine. And with jovial Jupiter and electric Uranus in close contact in your sign, you might find you have more lucky breaks than usual. Use this chance to seize lucrative opportunities and focus on plans and projects that are the most meaningful to you.

On the twenty-third, be careful around the full moon that occurs across your relationship axis and angles toward potent Pluto in your sector of ambition. Something could occur that brings out deep-seated emotions. It would be best not to overreact but to process through them and make a decision when things are more settled.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe