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APR 20 - MAY 20

This week, you could take a new road.

The week begins on Monday, January 8, with Mercury in Sagittarius and your house of power squaring Neptune in Pisces. Today, you can tap into the power of visualization. Everything that has been crafted and created on this earth started first with a picture in someone’s mind, so use this energy to picture what you want. Then take the added step of picturing your journey from where you are now to where you are in the future. Today, you can tap into some manifesting energy.

On Tuesday, January 9, the sun in Capricorn trines Uranus in your own sign of Taurus. Today, you might feel like it’s time for a change. This could have something to do with how you present yourself to the world. Taurus, you might decide that you want to wear brighter colors or unique hats, but what others see in you is more confidence. They see determination and power.

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21 january - 27 january
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe