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APR 20 - MAY 20

This week, the doors of opportunity are nearby.

The week begins on Sunday, January 14, with Venus in Sagittarius and your house of resources making a quincunx to Uranus in your own sign of Taurus. Some money that you were expecting could be delayed, so you might have to make some calls or move some funds around to cover the shortfall. But when the dust settles, you’ll have what’s coming to you, plus someone might owe you a favor. Taurus, it’s quite likely this will all turn out to be beneficial for you.

On Monday, January 15, the sun in Capricorn and your house of education sextiles Neptune in Pisces. This is a good time to hone some of your creative abilities. You might have the opportunity to take a creative path for a work or school project. Taurus, you could take a short class on creative writing, painting, or photo editing. This is a good time to pull out your knitting project or get back to a design project that has been gathering dust.

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28 january - 03 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe