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AUG 23 - SEP 22

This week, you’re taking a new path to prosperity.

The week begins on Sunday, October 15, with the sun in Libra and your house of money making a quincunx to Uranus in Taurus. Today, you could discover that you have a limiting belief about money that pops up every once in a while to block you from prosperity. Virgo, you might get angry that some people have money or the world shouldn’t be so unfair. Today, you’re better off considering the abundance in the world rather than being angry about how that abundance is distributed.

On Tuesday, October 17, Mercury in Libra makes a quincunx to Uranus in your house of big ideas. Today, you might have a dozen moneymaking ideas. Virgo, your mind is inventive and creative, but it also sees the process. You could give birth to an idea and a plan. In no time, you could have a full schematic or flowchart to manifest your objective.

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27 october - 02 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe