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JAN 20 - FEB 18

Cultivate Relationships

Relationship topics are still relevant, Aquarius, with the sun continuing its trek through your 7th house until August 21. We kick off the month with a powerful new moon in your opposite sign, Leo, on August 4, which encourages a fresh new start in your closest relationships. This could be personal or business related, but you will need to lean into teamwork to accomplish the most. This is something you’re naturally good at. The sun and moon send positive beams to Mars and Jupiter in your 5th house of creativity, love and children so this is a time where you can feel inspired and youthful.?

On the same day as the new moon, love and pleasure planet Venus moves into Virgo in your 8th house of intimacy and shared resources, putting an even greater emphasis on the need for collaboration. Venus is also connected to what we value and rules your 9th house of expansion and 4th house of home. Venus in this house wants you to become more resourceful by pooling your resources. You may feel inclined to partner on an investment, or real-estate related business matter. Or you may need to financially invest in something in your home.?

Venus in the 8th house also brings a greater need for intimacy, both emotional and sexual. Mercury goes retrograde August 5 in this same house, and may bring up repressed emotions from the past. Although your sign is the water bearer, and water is connected to emotions, you’re not known for being the most emotional, Aquarius. However, this is a time to embrace your softer side and let yourself become more vulnerable.?

This time of year is especially auspicious due to the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal. The alignment of Earth, Sirius and Orion in the constellation of Leo is an opportunity to focus on your manifestations and watch them unfold. This is especially important because it occurs in the days after the new moon, giving every sign an extra blessing from the universe to make your dreams come true.?

August 19 is the most pivotal point of the month with the full moon occurring in your sign, in your 1st house of self. The full moon coincides with two T-Squares involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and the sun, moon and Uranus. This is your full moon of the year and an important one. An unexpected development may occur that personally affects you.

The sun joins Venus in your 8th house of intimacy on August 22nd for Virgo season. This further emphasizes the need for you to go deep, and focus on shared financial responsibilities. You may need to work on things like taxes, debts and consolidating credit cards. If another person is holding up the process, communication will be smoother once Mercury goes direct on August 27. Until then, don’t try to force anything.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe