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OCT 23 - NOV 21

Career on the Rise?

Scorpio, it may be summer in the northern hemisphere, and everyone is enjoying their pool days and vacations, while you are tapped into work and career opportunities. The sun in your 10th house of career and reputation is a time for you to step into your professional potential and show up as a leader in whatever field you’re in. While you are extremely passionate and determined, you’re not always comfortable with being in the spotlight. Now is a time for you to put your shyness aside, if you struggle with this, and show up as the powerful being you are.?

Around the new moon in Leo on August 4, you can set professional goals for yourself, which you can start mapping out a strategy plan for. The same day of the new moon, Venus moves into your 11th house of hopes and wishes, joining Mercury. The 11th house is also connected to our network and friends, so this can be a very social time for you. You will need to balance work and play this month.?

When Mercury goes retrograde in this house on August 5, it's a great time to connect with friends you haven’t seen in a long time. You’ve had a transformative couple of years and some of your relationships may have been put on the back burner. This mercury retrograde period should be used to get back in touch with some of your favorite confidants, especially the ones that overlap with your professional life.

This time of year is especially auspicious due to the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal. The alignment of Earth, Sirius and Orion in the constellation of Leo is an opportunity to focus on your manifestations and watch them unfold. This is especially important because it occurs in the days after the new moon, giving every sign an extra blessing from the universe to make your dreams come true.?

August 19 is the most pivotal point of the month with the Aquarius full moon occurring in your 4th house of home, family and ancestry. The full moon coincides with two T-Squares involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and the sun, moon and Uranus. There may be important news pertaining to your home or your parents. Pay attention to the information you receive around this date and the weeks after.?

The sun joins Venus in your 11th house of networking on August 22nd, signaling the start of Virgo season. This turns up the volume on that social calendar that is already full. The sun is the ruler of your 10th house, so the connections you make during this time should be beneficial for your career in the long-term. A dream could finally be realized due to the connections you’ve made over the years. Hopefully you have something to celebrate.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe