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JUL 23 - AUG 22

Shine Bold and Bright?

It’s time to do what you do best and shine, Leo with the sun still in your 1st house of self for most of the month. We kick off the month with a powerful new moon in your sign on August 4, which encourages a fresh new start for you as you embark on your new solar year. The sun and moon send positive beams to Mars and Jupiter in your 11th house of hopes and wishes, and the north node in your 9th house of spirituality. This is a time for you to stretch yourself and set big goals.?

This time of year is especially auspicious for you due to the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal. The alignment of Earth, Sirius and Orion in the constellation of Leo is an opportunity to focus on your manifestations and watch them unfold. This is especially important because it occurs in the days after the new moon, giving you an extra blessing from the universe to make your dreams come true.?

Love and pleasure planet Venus moves into Virgo in your 2nd house of income the same day as the new moon. Venus is also connected to what we value and rules your 3rd house of communication and 10th house of career. Venus in this house wants you to look at how your mindset about money and your self-esteem affect your long-term career goals and your reputation in the world.?

Venus in the 2nd house also brings a tendency to want to spend more on luxury items or creature comforts. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, Mercury goes retrograde August 5 in this same house, and may conjure up an unexpected financial responsibility that needs to be taken care of asap. It’s important to be financially cautious and meticulous about what is going out and coming into your bank account(s).?

August 19 is the most pivotal point of the month with the Aquarius full moon occurring in your 7th house of partnerships. The full moon coincides with two T-Squares involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and the sun, moon and Uranus. Aquarius is your opposite sign, so this full moon will likely bring an unexpected development relating to yourself or someone you are close to.?

The sun joins Venus in your 2nd house of finances on August 22nd for Virgo season. This further emphasizes the need for you to be fiscally responsible because your ruler will shine its light on anything that needs to be worked on and improved in this arena. Could it be time to ask for a raise or increase your rates/prices if you are an entrepreneur or contractor? A big theme for the month is owning and stepping into your personal power so you can have a more abundant life.?

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe