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JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, your value is clear to yourself and others.

The week begins on Sunday, July 14, with the moon in Scorpio squaring Pluto in Aquarius and your house of credit and debt. Cancer, this is a good day to review your statements and check your online accounts. Make sure everything looks the way it should. When you’re out and about, keep an eye on your purse or wallet. Today, be the guardian of your money.

On Monday, July 15, Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus and your house of friendships and acquaintances. You might have a strong desire to break free, so if a friend asks you to join them on an impromptu trip to Madrid, you might say yes. But this energy is erratic, and you’re just as likely to start a fight with your bestie, or they could pick a fight with you. Be careful of outbursts today.

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28 july - 03 august
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe