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DEC 22 - JAN 19

This week, the signs around you are clear.

The week begins on Sunday, July 14, with the moon in Scorpio squaring Pluto in Aquarius and your house of financial matters. It would be very easy to lose your temper about a money matter today. Capricorn, you might be obsessively looking for money you think is lost. But you can find someone to help you if you’re patient and calm. And you might find that what you think is lost is just temporarily misplaced.

On Monday, July 15, Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus and your house of romance and love. A date today could turn into an all-night affair. You might get married because a happy song suggested the idea. You might fall hopelessly in love, turning your world upside down. And even if you’re not looking for a person, love is still possible. Your heart could pound for a puppy, kitten, or even a duck.

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28 july - 03 august
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe