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JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, it’s onward and upward.

The week begins on Sunday, December 24, when the sun in Capricorn and your house of relationships sextiles Saturn in Pisces. There’s favorable energy for you and your partner. Cancer, you see eye to eye on an important matter, and now you can work together almost seamlessly. If you’re looking for love, you could find someone today who is quite serious about a long-term relationship.

On Monday, December 25, Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces and your house of philosophy and higher thoughts. You might feel joy because of the supportive people in your life. You might see people doing good deeds or going out of their way to show their appreciation that you’re in their life. Cancer, you might receive many compliments and hugs. Today, you could be on a little cloud of bliss.

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05 january - 11 january
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe