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NOV 22 - DEC 21

This week, you can strike a deal.

The week begins on Sunday, December 24, when the sun in Capricorn and your house of money sextiles Saturn in Pisces. Today, you can strike an excellent deal. Sagittarius, you might want to step up and be in charge of negotiations, especially if this is a big-ticket item. Right now, you have the right words to get a great deal.

On Monday, December 25, Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces and your house of home and family. Warm feelings and familial love abound today. Everyone feels like family right now. This includes neighbors, coworkers, and people you’ve known for a short period of time. All are now welcome at your table. It is also possible that you have a new addition to the family, such as a puppy or parrot.

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05 january - 11 january
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe