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DEC 22 - JAN 19

This week, you could be warmly greeted by many.

The week begins on Sunday, December 24, when the sun in Capricorn and your house of constitution and energy (happy birthday!) sextiles Saturn in Pisces. Capricorn, you could bound out of bed today. You might have extra energy for taking on tasks, running around town, or greeting visitors. Your powers of concentration are strong now. If you find your energy waning, you might just be bored.

On Monday, December 25, Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces and your house of words and ideas. You might have delightful conversations today. You might be sitting by the fire, listening to others weave stories as you share what’s going on in your life. You could have a long phone call with a friend or family member. Capricorn, you could be lost in a good book.

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05 january - 11 january
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe