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AUG 23 - SEP 22

This week, you’re finding out what you need to know.

The week begins on Sunday, January 14, with Venus in Sagittarius and your house of home and family making a quincunx to Uranus in Taurus. Virgo, you could be doing some DIY projects around the house. You might change the décor or hang new curtains. Or you might feel snug and cozy inside with the sound of rain outside or snow piling up at the door. Today, home is where your heart is.

On Monday, January 15, the sun in Capricorn and your house of creativity and personal expression sextiles Neptune in Pisces. You have great creative potential right now. Your muse is whispering in your ear. Virgo, you might feel inspired to create art or crafts or play music. You might take up a writing project you’ve been working on for a while and have a breakthrough about how to get everything to come together. Today, you can tap into your creativity.

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28 january - 03 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe