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MAR 21 - APR 19

Inner Direction

Get ready to improve your inner game, Aries. This month, the focus on a spiritual and inner-directed zone means you’ll be ready to change your mindset and up your inner game. The sun is here until March 19 and is joined by other planets, making this a key time for understanding yourself and making changes that can renew your spirit and your life in big ways. You might read self-help books, find a teacher, or connect with a life coach, any of which can assist you in moving through your limitations and harnessing your true potential.

Cheerleading Mercury moves into Aries on the ninth, encouraging you to express yourself, get your message out to the world, and clear the air where necessary.

The new moon in Pisces on March 10 could be a turning point when you decide to take action to change your current circumstances. You might benefit from finding closure on something that has been preying on your mind. The relief could be immense.

On the nineteenth, the sun’s move into your sign for a stay of one month gives you a boost of energy and is one of the best times of the year for you. Over the coming four weeks, it will be okay to be a little selfish and focus on your own needs. You’ll recharge your spirit by doing so.

Fiery Mars, your personal planet, hikes into dreamy Pisces on March 22, which could make it more difficult to motivate yourself. You might be more influenced by the programs you’ve inherited that are buried deep within your psyche. This can be a good time to actively root them out, whether you do it with help or alone.

Finally, there’s a lunar eclipse in Libra and your sector of relating on the twenty-fifth, which could shake up an important friendship, business partnership, or romantic relationship. If things have gotten off track, this eclipse could expose the fault lines and encourage you to resolve any issues once and for all.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe