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APR 20 - MAY 20

Active Social Life

Your social life certainly seems to be a game changer now, %s. There’s a lot happening in this area over the course of the month that can work to your benefit. The sun here until March 19 shines a light on various activities and highlights ways in which you can improve matters. If you have certain interests, you might find that joining a group will enhance your enjoyment and put you in touch with kindred spirits.

Plus, your social life can also enhance your chances of business and career success, which is great news. Saturn’s presence here can be a call to network with those who have influence and standing in the community.

The Pisces new moon on the tenth could be a turning point if it motivates you to explore new possibilities. This lunar phase is great for kick-starting a team project or social media strategy. If you have a long-term goal you’re eager to implement, you might be ready to go ahead now.

Sweet Venus, your personal planet, enters Pisces on March 11, which can add grace and harmony to your social experiences. You’ll find it easy to empathize with others and sense where they’re coming from, which can be to your advantage.

The sun’s move into Aries and your spiritual zone on the nineteenth encourages you to relax and unwind. This is your chance to tie up loose ends, resolve difficulties, and clean the slate for when the sun enters your sign in a month.

Dynamic Mars could stir up your level of social activity, which means you’ll have a busy but rewarding time ahead.

There is also a lunar eclipse in your lifestyle sector on March 25, which could inspire you to make some much-needed changes. This might be something you’re pushed into rather than you decide to do, but it will still be good for you.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe