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MAY 21 - JUN 20

Big Impression

Gemini, there’s a major emphasis on your sector of goals and career that lasts all month. The sun in Pisces until March 19 and other key planets here means this is definitely your time to shine in the spotlight. The sun’s presence here encourages you to set your priorities and take a look at your goals. This is a key month in the year for you when you can make great progress if you want to set your mind to accomplishing big things. It would be very easy to drift, but this is what you want to avoid.

The new moon in Pisces on the tenth is a great opportunity to initiate your idea, project, or latest career plan. If you’re ready to move in a new direction or perhaps seek another job, see this lunar phase as a stepping-off point for showcasing your skills, distributing your resume, and getting the right people to notice you.

Lovely Venus sashays into Pisces on March 11, which means you’ll have charm as well as a range of fabulous skills you can use to impress others. And if you can socialize with the right people, so much the better.

Socializing becomes more of a focus when the sun powers into Aries on the nineteenth. The coming month or so is great for networking with all kinds of people for business or pleasure.

Dynamic Mars moves into your career zone on March 22, encouraging you to harness your imagination to visualize the outcomes and results that you want.

Finally, there’s also a powerful lunar eclipse across your social axis on the twenty-fifth that could stir things up a little. You might fall for someone in a big way even if you barely know them. If this is the case, don’t rush into anything. You could regret it later. Stay interested, but bide your time before making any kind of commitment or doing anything rash.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe