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JUN 21 - JUL 22

Fresh Discoveries

Cancer, you’re ready to absorb new experiences, make fresh discoveries, and expand your knowledge base this month. The emphasis on your sector of travel and adventure can certainly open new doors for you. The coming weeks are perfect for expanding your reach and traversing new terrain. With three planets in this zone as well as the sun, and with sweet Venus moving in on March 11, followed by feisty Mars on March 22, there’s a lot going on. It’s important to keep an open mind, because you never know when the next big opportunity will come.

In addition, the new moon in Pisces on the tenth is a great stepping-off point, especially if you’re about to embark on a trip or long journey. This is the perfect time to begin any new project or endeavor because you’ll have the moon tide to help you build momentum.

The sun glides into Aries and your career zone on March 19, and the coming four weeks are perfect for enjoying your time in the spotlight. People will notice you now more than they have recently, so make the most of this by showcasing your skills and abilities, sending out your resume, and marketing your business or products. And if you enjoy using social media, you might grow your following. People will notice your posts, podcasts, and videos and be eager to find out more.

There’s also a lunar eclipse in Libra on the twenty-fifth that could influence your domestic sector. If any issues have been swept under the carpet, this is when they’re likely to come to a head. This could be a time of decisions when you can no longer pretend that a problem doesn’t exist. Whatever the situation, wait until you feel calm and settled before you take action. Avoid making any impulsive moves, especially if you’re feeling emotional.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe