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MAR 21 - APR 19

Sociable and Intense

Relationships will be high on the agenda this month until October 23, Aries, so this is a great time to forge agreements, negotiate, and make deals in general. You’ll also be eager to enhance your social life and spend more time with close ones. Talkative Mercury will be in Libra from the fourth to the twenty-second, which can enhance communication and make it easier to hold fruitful discussions.

Plus, lovely Venus moves into Virgo and your lifestyle sector on October 8, so you’ll find it easy to get along with coworkers and others you connect with in everyday life. Are you ready to change your habits? Link up with friends who share your goals and it will be much easier.

Dynamic Mars, your guide planet, heads into sizzling Scorpio on the eleventh for a stay of six weeks, which means you’ll develop a laser-like focus that can help you get things done. Superficial activities might not appeal to you, but anything involving a mystery and detective work certainly will.

On October 14, the new moon and solar eclipse are in tactful Libra, which can herald a new start in a key relationship. This looks like a very positive time when moving a relationship forward, taking on a business partner, or collaborating can be helpful.

The radiant sun eases into intensive Scorpio on the twenty-third, which means the coming month or so is a great opportunity to let go of anything that no longer serves your best interests. You already know where you have blocks and difficulties, and this is your opportunity to deal with them.

Finally, there’s a powerful lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28 that highlights money and your financial potential. You might have a desire to splurge, but try to rein this in. You might also realize that you have hidden talents that have been languishing unused. Now is the time to make some money from them.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe