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FEB 19 - MAR 20

Release Those Blocks

Pisces, October begins on an intense note with the sun in Libra and a powerfully emotional zone until October 23. This sector is also associated with finance, business, change, and transformation. You have an opportunity to shine a light on your affairs and think about what you can do to improve them. Whether you want your business to be more successful or you want to get your money working harder for you, this is the time to do your research and take action.

There’s a solar eclipse in Libra on the fourteenth, and you’ll be ready for a new beginning. This might be when you decide to let go of certain situations, find closure on key issues, or perhaps wind down a relationship, especially if you’re being held back. The result of doing so could be that you’ll feel much lighter and freer and eager to embrace new developments.

This month, assertive Mars moves into Scorpio on October 11, followed by Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. This could inspire you to reach out and enjoy new experiences. And you won’t want to sample these in a superficial way. You’ll be ready to dive in deep and make the most of them.

And with Mercury in this sector, you’ll be very curious and eager to explore, whether this means seeking out famous landmarks and tourist spots, learning a new skill, or enjoying the opportunity to talk to as many new people as you can.

The sun in this zone is great for taking a look at your beliefs and jettisoning those that are keeping you playing small. Linking up with a life coach or teacher could make this process much easier.

Finally, the lunar eclipse in Taurus on the twenty-eighth could coincide with news or information about an opportunity. If you take it up, it could transform your life in more ways than one.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe