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JUN 21 - JUL 22

Homey Pursuits

Cancer, you’ll be busy with domestic tasks and projects as the month gets underway. A focus on your family sector until October 23 encourages you to take a step back from life and focus on homey pursuits. This is a chance to spend more time with close ones as well as nurture yourself. Take the time to recharge and think about your priorities.

Logical Mercury moves into Libra on the fourth, so you might be eager to get organized and shift some of those paper piles and stacks of stuff that have been taking up valuable space for too long.

On October 14, there is a solar eclipse in Libra that hints at a new beginning. Whether you’re thinking of moving, remodeling your place, starting a family, or increasing the family you have, things could get moving under this potent influence.

However, as dynamic Mars moves into Scorpio on the eleventh, things could take a more intense and passionate turn, especially when it comes to romance and creative hobbies. Whatever you love to do, you’ll engage with it in a very focused way. There will be no half measures.

The sun glides into Scorpio on October 23, so the coming four weeks or so can be a call to kick back and explore those activities that bring you the most pleasure. You’ll find that the things you enjoy doing the most are also very therapeutic.

Then get ready, because there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus and your social sector on the twenty-eighth. Emotions could be running high, so think about this if you’re going to an event or on a date. There’s a chance of some drama occurring as well as issues that have been pushed under the carpet rising to the surface to be resolved.

There is also an upbeat Mars-Jupiter aspect on the same day, which could coincide with a sizzling encounter.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe