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DEC 22 - JAN 19

In the Top Spot

Capricorn, the sun in Libra and your career sector encourages you to showcase all that is great about you and get yourself noticed. This is a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd and allow others to appreciate how brilliant you are. If you’re thinking about enhancing your image or dressing to impress, this is a good time to go ahead. You’ll be ready to work alongside others to reach your goals, and you’ll get much more done than you could solo.

There is also a powerful solar eclipse in Libra and your career zone on October 14 that could usher in a new beginning. You might decide to branch out in a new direction, and if so, the coming weeks and months will reveal just how savvy you are to do so. You might also be offered an opportunity, given a promotion, or start a business. Whatever it is, the cosmos is encouraging you to take this bold new step forward. Your destiny awaits.

There is a gradual shift to the sign of Scorpio and your friendship sector as October gathers pace. Warrior Mars moves into the sign on the eleventh, followed by Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. You’ll be ready to take your social life to the next level. This is the perfect opportunity to link up with people who have power and influence. You’ll be eager to move in new circles to make beneficial connections.

The coming weeks are great for enhancing your business prospects and finding new clients. The more you get out and network, attend events, and embrace new opportunities, the more success you’ll have.

Finally, there is a lunar eclipse in Taurus and across your leisure axis on October 28. Tension could erupt and friends could act out of character. You might need to distance yourself from someone or a group if they are no longer helpful to you.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe