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JUN 21 - JUL 22


You’re on a roll when it comes to working alongside others, Cancer. As 2024 begins, the emphasis is on your sector of relationships and on teamwork and connection. To help things along, warrior Mars moves into Capricorn on January 4, stirring things up and encouraging you to clear the air. Mars in this position can be very practical and ambitious. You might be drawn to people who can help you reach your goals and those who are successful and can act as a supportive influence in your life.

Things get better and better this month once chatty Mercury turns direct on the first. Its forward motion helps you get back on track and welcome the new year with a renewed determination to be more productive.

The new moon in Capricorn on January 11 can be a starting point for a new beginning. You might want to begin a project or take on a challenge with your partner, and this would be a good time to go ahead. If you’re involved in a budding romance, this is an opportunity to make a commitment if you feel it’s the right thing to do.

Perhaps the biggest shift this month occurs when the sun and underworld Pluto move into the sign of Aquarius on the twentieth. You might realize that something needs to leave your life. And you’ll have plenty of opportunities to resolve this and move forward over the coming weeks and months.

The full moon on January 25 occurs in Leo and across your financial axis, so you might be in the mood to splurge. This could be because you feel vulnerable and need something to fill the void. You might find that some pampering or a soothing massage works wonders and is a wise investment.

Finally, energizing Uranus turns direct in your social zone on the twenty-sixth, bringing some fascinating encounters your way.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe