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JAN 20 - FEB 18

Dreams and Intuition

Dynamic Mars joins the sun in Capricorn and your spiritual sector on January 4, Aquarius, and your psyche will be stirred up, bringing vivid dreams and enhancing your intuition. The sun is here until the twentieth, and Mars will continue its journey through the sector until February 12, so this is a great opportunity to start a practice that can help you gain greater peace of mind. You might also want to find a life coach, teacher, or mentor who can help you let go of your limitations and live up to your full potential.

In addition, messenger Mercury turns direct in your social sector on January 1, making it easier to get your message across. If you’ve fallen out with someone, now is the time to reach out and make amends.

Make use of the new moon in Capricorn on the eleventh to kick-start positive new habits. If you’re ready to meditate, practice yoga, be more mindful, or find a group that shares your spiritual ideals, this is the best time to make your move.

Perhaps the most interesting news this month is the movement of both the sun and Pluto into your sign on January 20. This is the second time Pluto has visited you, and it will remain here until early September. It challenges you to explore your relationship to power. You might also become deeply engaged with various technologies, especially artificial intelligence.

Finally, the full moon takes place in Leo and your partnership zone on the twenty-fifth, which could bring a key issue to a head. There could be some dramatic scenes, especially if feelings have been swept under the carpet. However, this is a great opportunity to clear the air and move forward.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe