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NOV 22 - DEC 21

Using Your Talents

Sagittarius, the emphasis is on your sector of resources as the curtain opens on 2024. With the sun here until January 20 and warrior Mars moving in on January 4, there is plenty of movement in this zone. You might be ready to take stock of what you have—including money and skills as well as other assets—and how you can make the best use of it.

It would be worth appraising your abilities, especially any that have been unused but might now be in demand and perhaps a means to earn you good money. You might also want to devise ways to manage your finances so you can make the best of them over the coming months. A budget or savings plan would be a good place to start.

Make use of the new moon in Capricorn on the eleventh to initiate a side hustle or any other activity that could enhance your income. If you begin now, you’ll notice how your efforts quickly build momentum.

There’s a major shift as the sun and powerbroker Pluto move into Aquarius on January 20. They enter your sector of communication, which could have a profound effect on your mindset and self-talk. You’ll begin to realize how profoundly the conversations you have with yourself affect every area of your life, for better or for worse.

Lovely Venus moves into Capricorn on the twenty-third, encouraging you to invest in yourself. You know quality when you see it, and this influence encourages you to spend a little more to get the best and have the confidence that it will last.

Finally, the full moon in Leo and your sector of far horizons on January 25 could coincide with a desire for something different. You could be offered an opportunity you can’t resist, but you might have to let go of something first to make room for it.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe