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MAY 21 - JUN 20

Letting Go

Gemini, the year 2024 begins for you with an emphasis on an intensely powerful zone. The sun in Capricorn and your sector associated with transformation, rebirth, finance, and business could be a game changer. Feisty Mars moves into this same sector on January 4, which could stir things up and bring key issues to the surface. You’ll be ready to do something practical to resolve any matters that have been hanging over you. You’ll also be ambitious in your plans, so the coming weeks could find you creating a strategy to take a business or your investments to the next level.

All this is made simpler because talkative Mercury turns direct on the first. Delays will gradually melt away, and it will become easier to reach agreements and hold constructive discussions.

It would be a good idea to make use of the new moon in Capricorn on January 11 to kick-start any new initiatives. Whatever plans you have, get moving on them at this time.

Perhaps the biggest news this month is the movement of the sun and Pluto into Aquarius on the twentieth. They power into your sector of far horizons together, which could coincide with a positive development that sweeps you up and perhaps takes you in a new direction.

The focus on this zone encourages you to get involved with opportunities and ideas associated with tech, computing, the Internet, and anything that’s out of the ordinary. If it will make your life easier or put a fresh perspective on things, so much the better.

On January 25, the full moon in Leo and your sector of talk and thought aligns with jovial Jupiter. Something could come to light that expands your options, but you might need to let go of something else first in order to take full advantage of it.

Finally, energizing Uranus turns direct on the twenty-sixth, which can encourage positive changes in your circumstances and life.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe