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JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, you’re someone’s hero.

The week begins on Sunday, August 25, with the moon in Taurus squaring Mercury retrograde in Leo and your house of money. Today, it’s easy to let logic be clouded by emotion, especially when it comes to a spending decision. You could be very focused on how others in the family handle money. Or you could be preoccupied by trivial matters and find yourself wasting money on a useless item. Today, it’s hard to keep your head.

On Tuesday, August 27, Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus and your house of friendships. Cancer, one of your more creative and possibly eccentric friends could ask you to do something that you’ve never done before. This might involve flying, being underwater, or acting on stage. Someone is asking you to push your limits.

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08 september - 14 september
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe