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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, the door of opportunity swings wide open.

The week begins on Sunday, August 25, with the moon in Taurus squaring Mercury retrograde in Leo and your house of future plans. Today, you might be going back and forth on a fairly large decision. And even though you don’t need to make the decision today, your mind is processing the pros and cons of the choice before you. And there could be a battle going on between your head and your heart.

On Tuesday, August 27, Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus and your house of investments. Libra, someone could introduce you to a unique investment opportunity that you’ve never heard of. This could warrant further investigation. Even if this introduction was made by an expert, it’s good to get a second opinion.

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08 september - 14 september
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe