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JUL 23 - AUG 22

This week, you are attracting interesting energy.

The week begins on Sunday, August 25, with the moon in Taurus squaring Mercury retrograde in Leo and your house of impulsive action. Your head is battling with your heart today, so it’s hard to be objective. You might attach more importance to something you want or something you own than is justified. Your actions could be erratic and your judgment impaired. Be cautious of making big decisions today.

On Tuesday, August 27, Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus and your house of career and reputation. Leo, you feel the need to go out on a limb for someone. Your boss might want you to cover for them. A customer might ask you to bend the rules. If you own the company, you’re making your own rules today.

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08 september - 14 september
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe