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APR 20 - MAY 20

This week, you can find your flow.

The week begins on Sunday, August 25, with the moon in Taurus squaring Mercury retrograde in Leo and your house of family. Even though there can be a family resemblance, it doesn’t mean you all think alike. Today, you could have a misunderstanding with a family member that starts with something trivial but morphs into a bigger issue. To avoid an argument, don’t sweat the small stuff.

On Tuesday, August 27, Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in your own sign of Taurus and your house of personal power. Taurus, a sudden pivot could put you on the right track. You might wake up inspired to go a new direction. You feel motivated, and that could propel you forward with such enthusiasm that you lose track of time as you work on your project. Now you’re on the right course.

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08 september - 14 september
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe