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SEP 23 - OCT 22

Enjoying Life

Libra, the sun in Aquarius and your sector of leisure until February 18 gets the month off to a delightful start. And with potent Pluto here for some months yet, you might begin to get an inkling of where your passion really lies. What makes your heart sing? You’ll soon find out if you haven’t already. Plus, chatty Mercury enters Aquarius on the fourth, which will make you curious about many things. This would be a good time to pick up a new hobby.

The new moon in Aquarius on February 9 could coincide with a desire for a new beginning, or you might notice an opening that encourages you to act. With electric Uranus in the picture, something could show up out of the blue that blows away any other plans. Be sure you’re not acting too hastily, though, because you could lose more than you stand to gain. Research the details before you make your move.

Warrior Mars and harmonious Venus enter Aquarius and your leisure zone on the twelfth and sixteenth, respectively, putting the emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and romance. This could be an exciting Valentine’s month, including plenty of opportunities for fascinating new developments.

However, when the sun glides into Pisces for its annual four-week stay on February 18, it’s time to get to work (not that you haven’t been busy, especially with prudent Saturn encouraging you to keep your nose to the grindstone). If you feel you could be better organized, this would be a good time to tweak your schedule. Has your exercise routine fallen by the wayside? Find a way to get back on track. You won’t regret it.

Finally, the full moon in Virgo on the twenty-fourth can be a call to take a break and cycle through any emotional issues that have been swept under the carpet. You’ll feel much better for doing so.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe