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AUG 23 - SEP 22

Streamlining Your Affairs

You thrive on organization, Virgo, which is why this month could be a revelation, one that gives you tools and ideas that can help you fulfill your dreams. It’s true that some Virgos aren’t that great at keeping everything in order. They might instead have a penchant for study and learning or refining key talents, and you could be in this category.

If you can identify with any of these scenarios, you’ll enjoy this month because it can help you uncover new ways of reaching your best and brightest goals. This is due to an emphasis on the sign of Aquarius and your sector of lifestyle, routine, work, and wellness.

There is a new moon in this sector on February 9, which is perfect for a fresh start if you aren’t in too much of a hurry. Because it links to maverick Uranus, there’s a chance you could do something that seems sensible at the time but turns out to be a big mistake. Be patient and check the details and options before you make a move and you’ll be fine.

Warrior Mars and sweet Venus enter Aquarius on the twelfth and sixteenth, respectively, and their presence here can enhance your energy level. It can also foster better relationships at work and with other people you connect with in the course of your everyday affairs.

On February 18, there’s a shift in focus to your relationships when the sun eases into Pisces and this radiant orb joins prudent Saturn and dreamy Neptune. The sun enables you to take stock and consider what you might do to improve your current situation. It sheds light in areas where you might be mired in old habits or confusion, and this can encourage healing.

Finally, the full moon in your sign on the twenty-fourth could highlight issues associated with key bonds. This is when any discomfort you’ve tried to ignore could come to the surface. It’s an opportunity to clear the air, but try to avoid doing or saying anything you might later regret.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe