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JAN 20 - FEB 18

You Rock

This is a great month for you, Aquarius, as key planets line up in your sign to give you that extra edge. As February begins, the sun and underworld Pluto are already stationed in Aquarius, encouraging you to dig deeper and become more aligned with your true mission and purpose—and it might not be what you think. You’re in for a few surprises over the coming weeks, and this could be one of them.

Expressive Mercury moves into Aquarius on February 4, followed by dynamic Mars and convivial Venus on February 12 and February 16, respectively. These additions to your sign can bring out the best in you. You’ll be expressive, proactive, and generous with your time.

There’s also a new moon in Aquarius on the ninth, which seems made for you. This is the perfect opportunity to kick-start major projects and plans that have been in the pipeline for a while. Don’t rush, though, because with revolutionary Uranus at an angle to the moon, you could jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. Before you begin anything, think carefully about what it entails and the consequences, then you’ll be okay.

On February 18, the sun eases into Pisces and your sector of finance and resources for its annual four-week stay. The sun’s radiance lights up this zone and highlights areas that need your attention. With prudent Saturn and dreamy Neptune already visiting this sign, it’s possible you might become disillusioned with aspects of your financial situation. The healing presence of the sun can raise your vibration and your hopes, helping you see positive outcomes that you once thought were impossible.

Finally, there is a full moon in the sign of Virgo and across your financial axis on the twenty-fourth that’s perfect for consolidating debt and making other changes that will ease the pressure on you. Something could come to a head and you might be pushed into taking action, but you’ll be very glad you did.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe