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FEB 19 - MAR 20

Your Inner Game

While your social life continues apace until midmonth, Pisces, the focus on your spiritual and psychological zone will intensify greatly throughout February. The sun in Aquarius with underworld Pluto hints at a desire for deep-seated change. You might crave authenticity that springs from a desire to be totally and utterly yourself. Yet this is also a journey that you will be on for some time into the future. You are a work in progress.

There’s a feisty new moon in Aquarius on February 9, and this lunar phase could be a turning point. You’re ready for a shift that can lead to further changes and even a complete transformation. It might be something as simple as taking up yoga or meditation, or perhaps it involves an opportunity to work with a guru or life coach who understands exactly what you need to do to reach your full potential. These are exciting times, and the coming weeks can be key to understanding so much of what this phase is about.

Talkative Mercury moves into Aquarius and your spiritual zone on the fourth, followed by warrior Mars on the twelfth and enticing Venus on the sixteenth. These personal planets will help you get a handle on your feelings and on any images and dreams that emerge from the depths.

When the sun glides into your sign on February 18, you’ll be truly in your element. This four-week visit can give you extra confidence and vitality and inspire you to bring your dreams to life. However, don’t start with the biggest. A lot of your energy will be taken up by a desire for self-improvement, so begin with something small and manageable.

Finally, the full moon in Virgo on the twenty-fourth could release emotions that need to come to the surface. If you allow them to flow, you’ll sense a healing taking place.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe