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DEC 22 - JAN 19

Positive Social Life

You’re in a very sociable place as November gets underway, Capricorn. With the sun, feisty Mars, and communicator Mercury all in Scorpio, this is a great time to connect with people who can help you accomplish your goals. You’re naturally aware of those in your community and online who have power and influence, and you might be drawn to link up with them and start a conversation during this time.

You know who can be useful to you and who can’t, and this might also be when you jettison those connections that aren’t working for you. Perhaps it’s all take and no give with these people and you’ve had enough. In that case, don’t feel bad about letting them go.

There’s a vibrant new moon in Scorpio on November 13 that has a positive and a negative side. This is a great chance to get moving on a goal or plan that has been in your mind for some time. The downside is that this lunar phase aligns with fiery Mars and restless Uranus, so you could make a move that dashes your hopes before you’ve even begun. Take your time with whatever you’re planning to do. Don’t rush just because someone mentions a great opportunity or makes a promise.

Little by little the focus shifts to the sign of Sagittarius and your spiritual sector. It begins when fleet-footed Mercury moves in on the ninth and continues as the sun and Mars follow on the twenty-second and twenty-fourth, respectively.

The coming weeks are the time to wind down, finish anything that’s hanging over you, and find closure on issues that are draining your energy. What you’re looking for is a clear space so that you can invite in new opportunities when the sun moves into your sign in a month or so.

Finally, be careful around the Gemini full moon on November 27 and try to rest or simplify your schedule. Whatever you do, don’t pile too much on your plate.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe