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MAY 21 - JUN 20

Teaming Up

As December gets underway, the sun and feisty Mars are in your sector of relating, Gemini, encouraging you to collaborate and team up with others. You’ll be able to accomplish much more together than you could alone. Your love life will have extra sizzle, and if you’re looking for romance, you could be very drawn to the adventurous type, especially anyone who has lived a rich life full of fascinating experiences.

Regarding any relationship issues, you’ll be ready to rewrite the script and clear the air. However, it would be wise not to be too blunt. Diplomacy counts for a lot. It can make resolving any issues much easier, with no lingering hurt feelings.

The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 brings the potential for a new beginning in a key bond. You might want to take a romance to the next level, commit to a business partnership, or take on a challenge that will help you and your partner stay motivated and thrive.

Talkative Mercury turns retrograde on the twelfth, so try to complete any holiday tasks as early as possible to avoid delays.

The sun’s move into ambitious Capricorn on December 21 means the coming four weeks will be excellent for letting go of circumstances and even relationships. Welcome in 2024 with a clean slate by jettisoning those people or things that are draining your energy and have long since served their purpose.

The Cancer full moon on the twenty-sixth takes place in your personal financial sector, which could inspire you to splurge. If you’re ready to hit the sales, it might be wise to give yourself a spending limit or you could have a few regrets later.

Finally, Venus sashays into Sagittarius on December 29, bringing a warm and exotic touch to your interactions. You might be drawn to someone from another country or culture.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe