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MAY 21 - JUN 20

Friends and Associates

Gemini, your intention to forge ahead with your career continues to be strong. The emphasis on this sector suggests that you’re determined to make headway but perhaps it isn’t happening as quickly as you’d like.

What might speed things along is socializing with all the right people. The sun in Aries and your friendship zone can be a call to widen your circle of contacts and link up with others who share your interests and goals. You’ll be able to strengthen associations that can help you with your business or career trajectory. You’ll also be eager to join groups or clubs just for fun or if you’re looking for romance or companionship.

The new moon in Aries on April 8 is great for kick-starting such ventures and smoothing the way for new developments by getting to know the right people. If you need to resolve a difficulty with someone, this is the perfect time to do so. You can start again on a fresh footing.

You’ll also cherish some time to unwind and recharge as the sun eases into Taurus on the nineteenth. You’ll be ready to reflect on the past year and your hopes for the next twelve months. Use these weeks to resolve, or at least start on, issues that have been holding you back. Remove anything from your life that has served its purpose. It will be better for you.

On April 23, the full moon in Scorpio could be intense, and it might coincide with a revelation concerning your habits, work, or health. You might realize that you’ve been stuck in a rut and be ready to explore new options.

Finally, something to be aware of is chatty Mercury will be retrograde from the first to the twenty-fifth, and this could cause delays to some of your plans.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe