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SEP 23 - OCT 22

Sealing Your Reputation

Libra, it’s your time to take center stage as the sun and charming Venus, your personal planet, move through Cancer and the topmost sector of your chart. On July 2, chatty Mercury moves into Leo and gets the party going in your social sector, so look out for some interesting invites that could boost your career and business goals. This is the time to submit your resume to any interested companies and wow everyone with your skills and experience. Whatever your ambitions, make the most of this opportunity to put yourself in the spotlight.

The new moon in Cancer on the fifth can be put to good use if you’re ready to initiate a plan, project, goal, or the next phase of your career. The new moon can help build momentum, so whatever you want to begin, this is a great opportunity.

On July 20, fiery Mars changes signs and moves into nimble Gemini for a stay of six weeks, which will make you actively curious about many things. And if you’ve wanted to travel or study but kept putting it off, you’ll be more motivated than ever to do it now.

As the focus shifts to the fiery sign of Leo—Venus moves in on the eleventh, followed by the radiant sun on the twenty-second—it highlights your social scene, making this a peak time for all kinds of gatherings and events.

Use this chance to build your network of friends and associates so you can create some truly valuable connections. Think about what you have to share and what you want from others. With the right attitude, this opportunity for give-and-take can be very rewarding.

Finally, the full moon in Capricorn on July 21 could be quite emotional and intense, but if you handle it in the right way, it could lead to exciting new developments that are perfect for you at this time.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe