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MAY 21 - JUN 20

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Gemini, as sassy Jupiter continues its journey through your sign, you’ll be on a mission to do more and be more. You want your world to expand and to become involved with new and exciting opportunities, and this will be a major theme through the coming months.

At the same time, the sun and radiant Venus are lighting up your personal money zone, encouraging you to make your financial situation more secure. Use your ability to zero in on the best deals and side hustles to make sure you stay ahead of the game.

On July 5, the new moon in Gemini is perfect for a fresh financial start, especially if you’ve let things slide in this department. Whether you need to create better ways of managing your money or you want to get that side gig up and running, this your chance to take those first steps.

There’s a gradual shift as Mercury enters Leo on the second, followed by lovely Venus on the eleventh and the sun on the twenty-second. This emphasis highlights your sector of communication, and Mercury’s presence here until July 25 gives you warmth and charisma when you interact with others. You’ll draw people to you and easily win them over to your way of thinking.

Dynamic Mars enters your sign on the twentieth for a stay of around six weeks, which boosts your courage, enhances your vitality, and gifts you with leadership qualities. You’ll also have a sharp wit that will keep others on their toes, and you’ll find it easy to call the shots.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 connects with potent Pluto in Aquarius, so letting go of something could directly lead to a new and empowering opportunity that has been hiding in plain sight.

Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the twenty-fifth, so you’ll be ready to apply your logical mind to organizing your home.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe