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APR 20 - MAY 20

Sensitive but Determined

Taurus, the sun’s presence in Cancer and your sector of talk and thought can make you very aware of other people’s moods and feelings. This sensitive energy can help you intuit what’s going on beneath surface, giving you an advantage in conversations, meetings, and negotiations. At the same time, you’ll be ready to reach out and help those who need a listening ear. Your way with words can help people feel better, especially if they’ve been going through a difficult time.

Feisty Mars continues in your sign until July 20, giving you a dose of courage and inspiring you to be proactive when it comes to making life-changing decisions. You’ll be ready to reveal your leadership skills and forge ahead with plans that can change your life for the better.

The new moon in Cancer on the fifth could be the perfect opportunity to close a deal, learn a new skill, start an online business, or put energy into marketing your goods and services. Whatever you decide to do could develop quickly, so seize this chance.

There’s a gradual shift to the sign of Leo and your home and family zone when quicksilver Mercury moves in on July 2. It’s followed by delightful Venus on the eleventh and the sun on the twenty-second, so you’ll be ready to spend more time organizing your sanctuary, creating schemes to get household tasks done quickly and easily, and streamlining domestic activities. You’ll also enjoy entertaining, and there could be some delightful get-togethers, parties, and celebrations in the weeks ahead.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 aligns with powerbroker Pluto in Aquarius and go-getter Mars in Gemini, which could be rather intense. A conversation could lead to a dynamic opportunity or perhaps a career shift. It might not last too long, so be ready to seize it.

Finally, logical Mercury moves into Virgo and your leisure zone on the twenty-fifth, encouraging you to spend more time around people with whom you share a mental rapport.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe