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AUG 23 - SEP 22

Sociable and Spiritual

Virgo, there’s a very pleasing emphasis on your social sector as July gets underway. This positive and uplifting alignment encourages you to mix and mingle, connect with kindred spirits, and join groups and clubs associated with your interests. If you’re eager to get ahead, then socializing with fellow professionals or potential clients could help you make excellent progress.

And with a new moon in Cancer on July 5, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to make a fresh start. This might mean moving in new circles altogether or initiating a plan that has been on your wish list for some time. Begin now and the moon tide can help you build momentum and lead to a successful conclusion.

Feisty Mars moves into inquisitive Gemini on the twentieth, which highlights your career and ambitions. You could be quite competitive at this time and ready to let others know about your skills and abilities. You’ll begin to flourish when you connect with all the right people by holding some interesting and provocative conversations.

As the focus shifts to the sign of Leo, this month also ushers in a quieter phase. Talkative Mercury, your guide planet, enters this noble sign on July 2, followed by lovely Venus on July 11 and the sun on July 22.

The coming weeks are your opportunity to unwind and recharge. It’s a chance to tie up loose ends, whether this relates to projects that need to be completed or issues on which you need to find closure. One phase is coming to an end, and when the sun moves into your sign in late August, a new phase will begin.

There is also a powerful full moon in Capricorn on the twenty-first that packs quite a punch. This potent lunar phase aligns with feisty Mars and radical Pluto. Something that comes to light around this time could highlight an opportunity related to your career, goals, or business plans. If you seize it now before it’s too late, it could open a new door for you.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe