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DEC 22 - JAN 19

Tending to Relationships

The emphasis on relating and on relationships is quite marked as this month gets underway, Capricorn, and it continues until July 22. This is a great opportunity for teamwork, collaboration, and interacting with others. If you haven’t been able to spend much time with your partner due to too much busyness, you’ll be ready to make up for this in the weeks ahead. Because the emphasis is on the sign of Cancer, you’ll be more sensitive to other people and what they might be going through. This can make you a good listener and someone who’s ready to help others in need.

The new moon in Cancer on the fifth can help if you’re ready to take a romance to the next level, or you want to take a relationship in a new direction, such as a collaboration, business partnership, or commitment. And if you’re ready to start a project together, this new moon can assist by helping to build the momentum.

The emphasis gradually shifts to a more intense zone as Mercury, Venus, and the sun move into Leo on July 2, July 11, and July 22, respectively. This fiery energy enables you to direct your focus wherever you want and get results. Once you lock on to a plan or project or set out to find out the truth about something or someone, you won’t stop until you’ve accomplished your goal.

Dynamic Mars powers into Gemini on the twentieth for six weeks, inspiring you to learn new skills that could enhance your prospects in life. You’ll be eager to network with all kinds of people, and this might be a good time to market your goods and services and gain new clients.

Finally, the full moon in your sign on July 21 links with Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius. This can empower your efforts to get ahead, giving you a tremendous boost in the right direction.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe