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NOV 22 - DEC 21

Behind the Scenes

Sagittarius, a focus on your spiritual sector and a private zone means this is the perfect time to tie up loose ends. The sun moves into your sign on November 22, so finding closure on key issues, decluttering in both the physical and emotional sense, and making space for new developments will benefit you this month. You might find your dreams are more vivid than usual and that you have powerful insights into what makes you tick. This is also the time when you might want to connect with someone who can help you move beyond your limits. Exciting possibilities that you’ve never considered could now be on the horizon.

There’s a new moon in Scorpio on the thirteenth that could find you in an impulsive mood. If you feel that a job or certain activity is hemming you in and preventing you from doing what you want, you might be tempted to jettison it and look for something better. While this is a great opportunity for a fresh start, try not to ruin all your hard work. Take a slower approach to incorporating positive changes into your life.

The focus gradually shifts to your sign, starting with lively Mercury on November 9, encouraging you to share your thoughts and plans and meet with like-minded people.

The sun moves into your sign on the twenty-second, followed by dynamic Mars two days later, and from this point on you’ll be ready to embrace new adventures. It’s time to think about those plans and projects that are dear to your heart and start working on them. It’s also okay to be selfish, because the coming weeks are your time to be in the spotlight and focus on your needs.

Finally, the Gemini full moon on November 27 takes place across your relationship axis and could highlight issues with certain people. This might be an opportunity to clear the air, but it would be wise to be as tactful and diplomatic as possible.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe