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OCT 23 - NOV 21

Gaining Recognition

Scorpio, it’s all systems go this month with the sun, chatty Mercury, and go-getter Mars hanging out in your sign and giving you a real confidence boost. The emphasis continues on your sign until November 24, so you can go far this month. Use this opportunity to project yourself out into the world and showcase your natural leadership qualities. People appreciate your ability to act with calm precision and get results every time. You’re also a hot ticket in the romance department, and people are drawn to you in everyday life too. Make the most of these fabulous influences and you can go far.

On the thirteenth, there is a new moon in your sign that can be helpful for a fresh start. However, with a restless Mars-Uranus opposition tied in with it, there is also the potential for impulsive moves that could ruin all your hard work. This warning isn’t to stop you from making a bold move but to encourage you to think things through carefully and do your research first.

The emphasis then slowly shifts to the sign of Sagittarius and your money zone, starting when dealmaker Mercury moves in on November 9. You’ll come up with all kinds of money-generating ideas, and one could turn into a lucrative side hustle.

The sun enters this adventurous sign on the twenty-second, followed by Mars two days later, highlighting the whole issue of resources, including your skills and talents. You might be casting your eye over your current situation and considering how you can make the best of it. It’s a chance to think big and chase opportunities that might lead to earning a bigger income or finding your purpose in life and realizing that money isn’t everything.

Finally, the full moon in Gemini and your business zone on November 27 highlights your financial axis. It could coincide with an opportunity that seems too good to miss, but you might need to let go of something first so you can concentrate your time and resources on your new endeavor.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe